Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Facebook | Jennifer Cristini

Facebook | Jennifer Cristini: "all Gianni's Haiti Fund"


  1. Wow, I read your interview on CNN and is so inspiering :) so Amazing. It really touch my heart, I'm a 34 years old mother of a 6 year old, and I have a mother my mother that has the same problems your son has. It's been such a long road, doctors, meds, etc... But God has been with us through all. You and your family are amazing. I will remember to pray for you and your family more love each day. You guys are awesome.
    Take care,

    Vanessa Eiler

  2. I just saw your story on CNN and googled to see if I could find any updates on your family. I'm so inspired by your love for your 3 beautiful babies and I think it is wonderful that you are fighting for Gianni. His story broke my heart and I just wanted you to know that he and your family are in my prayers. I could see his sweet spirit despite his illness.

